Cybersecurity Summer Camp 2017

BUSHBERE Siber Summer Camp, 1030 applications were made in 3 weeks from the 11th of June when we made our first announcement. On July 4 we did our on-line exam. As a result of this test, 136 students were entitled to participate in the second phase of the computer lab on July 6-7. We chose the best 32 students on this rigorous elimination. Instructors Cyber Security industry reputable name BTRISK founder Fatih Emiral and Boğaziçi University Assoc. Dr. Bilgin Metin. Students learned step by step through this activity without using tools such as Metasploit, which are the bases of the penetration tests. After seeing these bases, they will also try out the tools in Kali-linux and learn what's behind them in the background. So they will have a substructure that will carry them forward after they have received this training.





Sektörün saygın ismi BTRİSK firmasından Fatih  Emiral  'ın anlatımıyla öğrenciler uygulamalı olarak gördüklerini test etme imkanı buldular.



 Birinci gün Avukat Özgür Eralp'ın Türk kanunlrında bilişim suçları semineri ile sona erdi.



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